70-72 Broadwick Street


Shaftesbury plc


In one of inner London’s densest districts, the profiled roofscape of this re-purposed urban block helps to embed it among the varied age, materiality and massing of its neighbours.

The extensive redevelopment and repositioning of 72 Broadwick Street forms a major urban block at the junction of Carnaby and Broadwick Street that provides a range of uses, including offices, restaurants, a gym retail and nine residential apartments. Our work has improved the quality of facilities and external areas of this important urban block within a lively, dense and complex urban area.

Our key moves for the six-storey building on an island site of 0.5 acres have involved retaining the mixed-use nature of the building at ground and first floors. At ground level, we improved the visibility and relationship of the retail units through new glazing and consistent signage, with dark grey brick used consistently.

At the top of the building, we have introduced nine private residences. These sit beneath the pitched volumes of the roof that rise and fall to create a new roof profile.

“The innovative re-purposing and refurbishment of this landmark building, which occupies an island site of 0.5 acres fronting Carnaby Street, will deliver much-improved commercial and residential accommodation as well as major sustainability and aesthetic benefits. The creation of new retail, restaurant and leisure space will add to Carnaby’s world-renowned reputation as the liveliest destination in London’s West End.”
Brian Bickell, CEO, Shaftesbury

Photography Dirk Lindner, Ugne Pouwell, Ben Oram